PICH Leadership Reading List
PICH Leadership Reading List
PICH Leadership Reading List
This month the theme was QI principles and techniques. We heard from Kiran Rahim (from the QI change champions at the London School of Paediatrics) about the key components of QI many of which are very applicable in integrated care work. Particularly the model for improvement; AIM – being really focussed in any project work you do about what you aim to change MEASURE – how will you know you are achieving your aim CHANGE – how will we know…
Thanks to Anna Page for this graphic summary of February’s seminar from Dominique Allwood.
A superb seminar from Eugenia Lee (GP lead for children with HLP) on 09/01/19 Scary figures… but pulling people together from different disciplines, geography, backgrounds, experiences – all motivated to improve the lives of London’s children. Now is a fantastic time to make change – NHS 10 year plan highlighting children’s health like never before! https://www.longtermplan.nhs.uk/ Amongst PICH participants and mentors 2019 we agreed via a dragons den bid-off that we would prioritise the mental health of the next generation if…
Inspiring seminar by Michelle Heys: paediatrician, public health doctor and data guru, on 12th December. How can data really help us and influence change… see the graphic for more details! Graphic – How can data influence change?
Deepening our understanding of patient experience at this month’s PICH seminar. We had presentations from Bea (practice champion manager for CC4C connecting care for children), and Dr Heidi – Paed trainee at the Royal London and former research fellow for CC4C. Bea talked about collaboration of professionals and community members (on an equal platform) to meet needs of the local populations Heidi described how to involve patients meaningfully in research, and how is it relevant to recurrent wheeze. Key links:…
Such an exciting afternoon and evening launching PICH 2018/19 and hearing from last year PICH 2017/18s participants in the evening!